You are using the TCP/IP protocol to connect to Internet. Here IP stands for Internet Protocol specifically used to identify devices on the Internet by giving them an address i.e. IP address, like The IP address can dynamically change on a device, however, it is static during the lifetime of a connection we call it 'Session'.

The IP part of that technology, called IPv4, is running out of addresses, those are about 4.294 billion unique IP addresses. It is not the case that every IP is used up. Rather, due to technical reasons the number of available IP addresses to the ISPs that can be assigned to devices such as DSL modem are dwindling. In order to deal with the situation globally, the telecommunications industry is moving to a new standard, called "IPv6."

Being a responsible ISP, MTNL would like to present some information about IPv6 which as a customer you need to know.


What is IPv6

What is IPv6?

IPv6 (Internet Protocol Version 6) is the latest version of the network layer Internet Protocol. IPv6 is designed to be the successor of IPv4, which is the protocol predominantly in use today. IPv6 has quite a few improvements and additional features.

"One main distinguishing characteristic of IPv6 is that that there are 2128 addresses. That's 3.4028 x 1038. To put that in perspective, there are only about 1019 grains of sand on all the beaches of the world. If you assigned an IPv6 address to each grain of sand, each one could have more than a billon billion addresses."

Isn't amazing and mind boggling!

What are the various features of IPv6? How is IPv6 different from IPv4?

IPv6 salient features and differences from IPv4 are:

  • Larger Address Space – 128 bit address in IPv6 as compared to 32 bit IPv4 address
  • Autoconfiguration – Plug n Play possible with IPv6
  • Link-local addressing – Possible with IPv6
  • Mobility – Mobile IPv6 for mobile networks / terminals
  • Security – IPSec is mandatory
  • Simple Header – IPv6 header is simple with many fields removed.

How Will the Change Affect Your Computer?

You need to have Windows Vista or Windows 7 to operate on most modern IPv6 networks. The latest version of each Linux distribution should work as well. Here is list of all OS supporting IPv6. Click Here

How will the Change Affect Your DSL Modem?

If you have MTNL as your ISP, you have a DSL Router / Modem supplied by MTNL. Presently, ADSL Modems "Beetel – 450TC1" & "Binatone DM 856W" being supplied by MTNL supports IPv6. MTNL will progressively replace exiting IPv4 ADSL Modems with IPv6 compliant Modems. Since, MTNL Broadband Network supports both the protocols i.e IPv4 & IPv6 you will continue to get the uninterrupted service.

It is important to note that if both IPv4 and IPv6 are enabled and the content being accessed is also enabled over IPv4 and IPv6, IPv6 will generally be preferred. Comcast – a committee on IPv6 says that they selected this approach to simplify the transition and help make the introduction of IPv6 seamless for end-users.

Will there be an Extra Charge for IPv6?

MTNL has decided not to charge extra from its customers for being dynamically on IPv6 network. However, customers choosing static IP will have to pay same charges as being paid for IPv4 i.e. Rs.1000 per IP (v4/v6) per annum.


  1. Abundant Public IP Addresses (128bits as compared to 32bit in IPv4) eliminating the use of Private IP Addresses and Address Translations at the Gateways for connecting to public network.
  2. More Efficient Routing which increases the internet speed by about 2-3 times that of the current IPv4 for the same given bandwidth
  3. More Efficient Packet Processing by eliminating repeated error checking at IP layer.
  4. Directed Data Flow with greater support for multicast and flow labels enabling Quality of Service implementations for various applications.
  5. Simplified Network Configuration- The client machines can configure unique public IP address automatically
  6. Support for new services with end to end IP connectivity without NAT gateways.
  7. Security by providing confidentiality, authentication and data integrity.


A.  Tariff of IPv6 addresses

      1. /61 subnets (equivalent to 8 IP of IPv4) of IPv6 should be given free of cost  on request of subscriber for every ILL irrespective of the bandwidth of ILL.
       2. For additional IPv6 addresses, the tariff will be as per the annexure-I

B.  Tariff for Broadcasting IPV4/IPV6 addresses in our  network

      1. One time configuration charges of Rs. 20,000/- per pool of IP.
       2. Annual recurring charges will be 35% of the respective applicable tariff of IPV4 or IPV6 addresses.


                    Tariff for providing additional IPv6 address to ILL subscriber

Annexure - I

IPv6 addresses/subnetsValue FactorTariff in Rupees per annum
/64 1 Free
/63 1.3 Free
/62 1.69 Free
/61 2.2 Free
/60 2.86 2900
/59 3.71 3800
/58 4.83 4900
/57 6.28 6300
/56 8.16 8200
/55 10.61 10700
/54 13.79 13800
/53 17.92 18000
/52 23.3 23300
/51 30.29 30300
/50 39.37 39400
/49 51.19 51200
/48 66.54 66600
/47 86.5 86600
/46 12.46 112500
/45 146.19 146200
/44 190.04 190100
/43 247.07 247100
/42 321.18 321200



Important Links

Contact us

For any IPv6 related queries, please write to us at : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.