Last updated on 21st May 2021

FTTH Revenue Share Policy


  • Golden Opportunity to partner with MTNL, Mumbai for the exciting FTTH Revenue Share Model and create lucrative business prospects.

  • MTNL, Mumbai has a huge fiber-optic network across Mumbai and intends to provide all gamut of converged telecom services to the customers with end link on Fiber. 

  • To expand the reach of MTNL last-mile connectivity to houses, shops & offices, etc., MTNL, Mumbai wishes to partner in extending fiber/LAN/Wi-Fi or any other technology for providing MTNL Broadband/Voice/VAS services to customers on a revenue share basis in MTNL area.



  • Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited (MTNL) is a wholly-owned Govt. Company and is the provider of fixed-line telecommunication service in the two metropolitan cities of Delhi and Mumbai. MTNL provides a host of telecom services that include fixed Telephone Services, Mobile Services, Broadband Internet, ISDN & Leased Line Services.

  • MTNL has huge optical fiber resources in its operating area which is available on roads of the majority of major/minor/colony areas. Further, MTNL has a number of VAS services of its own or under partnerships. MTNL wishes to provide these Voice/Data/VAS/Leased Line services to all its existing as well as new customers, through revenue share partners.

  • To expand the reach of MTNL last mile connectivity on any media/technology, MTNL seeks offers from interested partners on a revenue share basis. MTNL also wishes to identify partners who either alone or combined with last-mile extension are willing to offer partners own VAS (Value Added Services) to MTNL Customers.


  • Under this Policy, MTNL, Mumbai proposes to select partners, who will help MTNL to extend on revenue share basis the last mile reach of optical fiber through Fiber/LAN/Wi-Fi or any other technology, for providing MTNL customers High-speed Broadband Internet/Voice, Leased Lines as well as various VAS services (like IPTV, home surveillance, educational content, gaming, etc.).

  • To engage small Start-ups/Entrepreneurs/ Registered Societies /RWA /local Cable providers/Real Estate developers(as Partners) etc. with MTNL to provide last mile Infrastructure on a revenue share basis to extend the last mile reach of optical fiber through fiber/LAN/Wi-Fi or any other technology to the customer for providing MTNL services.


  • The Partner who intends to be engaged with MTNL as Passive/Active Infrastructure Provider for FTTX Services & VAS shall be required to register with MTNL.

  • The Partner shall be a Company/Start-up/Self Entrepreneur/Partnership Firm/Registered Societies/RWA/Builders/Local Cable providers/Proprietorship firm registered or incorporated in India including a Consortium, shall preferably be a Graduate, Professional(s) such as Engineers, C.A, MBA, retired employees of MTNL, BSNL, Diploma in IT/Electronics or any other discipline involved in and aimed towards FTTX business segment.

  • No specific eligibility conditions in the terms of turnover.

  • Registration fees is Rs. 10000/- to be submitted in the form of DD. However, the registration charges shall be waived off for the partners already engaged with MTNL, Mumbai (under any existing Revenue Sharing Model).

  • The registration of Revenue Share Partner will be a continuous process. MTNL, Mumbai reserve the right to accept or reject any registration request, and the decision of the Executive Director, MTNL, Mumbai shall be final and binding in this regard.


If you think that you have the potential to unleash the exciting business offer and partner with MTNL, Mumbai to provide the services towards the FTTX business segment on a Revenue Share basis, then click below to register yourself !!

Register Now

Account details to pay RSP Registration Fees ;



Account Number: 10419537253

IFSC Code: SBIN0001429

MICR Code: 400002070


For more details, please contact : 

DGM(FTTH), 16th floor. Telephone House, MTNL Marg, Prabhadevi, Mumbai -400 028.

Phone: 022 - 2430 1515./ 2084 0003

Email ID : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.