Toll Free Service

Toll Free Service (TFS) provides your potential customers with a 'free' and convenient way to contact you. The charges for using this Toll Free number are paid by you instead of your potential customers. Avail this service to attract more and more customers to your business.


Features and Facilities

  • Reverse charging: Caller can call the TFS number free of charge.
  • Call Forwarding: The service has the facility of re-routing the incoming calls to an alternate number if TFS subscriber's line is busy or no answer.
  • Time dependent routing The service enables the TFS subscriber with one TFS number to have several telephone installations in the network and specify flexible routing or different call treatments depending upon time, day, date and holiday.
  • Origin dependent routing : TFS subscribers can have several installations (or several Telephone numbers) and can specify flexible routing depending upon the area of origination of incoming calls.
  • Accessibility: This service is accessible from networks of MTNL,BSNL and other local Telecom operators.

Access Procedure

The user can make a free phone call using the following dialing procedure

Dialing Plan: 1800 22 YYYY

Access Code: 1800, Free phone No: YYYY (4 Digits)


Registration Charges for the service (one time) Rs. 1,000/-
Creation/deletion/addition/modification of every TFS destination number Rs. 100/-
Monthly Charges for TFS service number
(recoverable in advance)

Rs. 1,000/- Per month with 3 months charge payable in Advance for registration

Security Deposit Rs. 5,000/-
Feature Charges
  • Reverse Charging
  • One TFS Service Number for multiple destinations
  • Hunting Facility
  • Detailed Billing
  • Time dependent routing
  • Origin dependent routing
  • Call distribution
Charges for change of addition/alteration of feature (per request) Rs. 100/-
Incoming Local Call Charges  Rs. 1.20/min
Incoming STD Call Charges Rs. 1.20/45 sec
If Prncipal destination number is of MTNL Mumbai 30% flat on total call charges for both MTNL and Non-MTNL Principal destination numbers.


If Prncipal destination number is of Non-MTNL Mumbai

Charges of Premium Toll Free Number :-

1800 22 YYYY (like 4444,5555,6666) Rs. 1,00,000/-
1800 22 AABB (like 2244,3355,4466) Rs. 50,000/-
1800 22 ABCD or ABAB (like 1234,2020)

Rs. 25,000/- 


Please Note:

  1. The minimum period of hire of service is three months.
  2. This service can be provided on existing telephone connections or connections obtained separately as per rules.
  3. The charges indicated here are TFS service charges and they do not include normal charges levied for basic telephone service.
  4. The outgoing calls made from the telephone connections which the TFS subscriber assigns for TFS line will be billed as per usual rates and procedures.
  5. The rates indicated are as per present tariff and are subject to change without any notice.
  6. Goods & Service Tax (GST)  extra as applicable.

How to Subscribe

Contact No. :  22634045

Assistance General Manager (PR - LC): Contact No. 22634045

Public Relation Officer (LC): Contact No. 22616411


Gr. Flr. Fountain -1 Telecom Building,
Near VSNL(TATA Tele Comm),
Fountain, Mumbai.

Technical assistance

Sub Divisional Engineer: 1860-222-6789/ 24327002 / 24382486

For complaints dial Toll Free No. : 1800 22 3322

Click here to download Application for Toll Free Service on telephone number
