Last updated on 18th October 2023

Fiber Plans

Unlimited High Speed Fiber Plans

Unlimited High-Speed Fiber Plans
(Monthly | Half Yearly | Yearly)
Book Online

Internet Speed
DN/UP (upto)
upto Free Usage Limit
Plan NameService Charges (Rs)Data UsageFree Usage Limit (FUP) Internet Speed
DN/UP (upto)
after Free Usage Llimit
MonthlyHalf YearlyYearly
30 Mbps * Fiber_449_30Mb_Combo 449/- -- -- Unlimited 600 GB 4 Mbps
100 Mbps * Fiber_600_100Mb_combo 600/- 3,300/- 6,600/-  Unlimited 1,000 GB 2 Mbps
100 Mbps * Fiber_799_100Mb_combo 799/- 4,395/- 8,789/-  Unlimited 3,300 GB 5 Mbps
150 Mbps * Fiber_899_150Mb_combo 899/- 4,944/- 9,889/-  Unlimited 3,300 GB 5 Mbps
200 Mbps * Fiber_1100_200Mb_combo 1,100/- 6,050/- 12,100/-  Unlimited 3,300 GB 5 Mbps
300 Mbps * Fiber_1400_300Mb_combo 1,400/- 7,700/- 15,400/-  Unlimited 3,300 GB 5 Mbps
500 Mbps * Fiber_2299_500Mb_combo 2,299/- 12,645/- 25,289/-  Unlimited 3,300 GB 5 Mbps
1 Gbps * Fiber_3999_1G_combo 3,999/- 21,994/- 43,989/-  Unlimited 3,300 GB 5 Mbps
1 Gbps * Fiber_7999_1G_combo 7,999/- 43,994/- 87,989/-  Unlimited 12,000 GB 15 Mbps
  • Free Voice Benefits of Unlimited Calls : Local + STD (on any network) on all above plans.
  • Monthly / Half Yearly / Yearly plan can be opted


  • * All above plans offer Symmetric Speed (i.e. same Download and Upload speed) up to the Free Usage (FUP) limit.
  • Free Voice Benefits of Unlimited Calls (Local + STD on any network) on all above plans. Unlimited free voice benefits cannot be used for outgoing calls to Premium Numbers, IN Numbers, and other chargeable short codes (level 1, etc.). These calls will be charged as per prevailing tariffs.
  • All the above plans are available only in the Combo Plan option. 
  • All above plans are available on a Monthly / Half Yearly / Yearly basis (except Fiber_449_30Mb_Combo Plan). Billing will be done on a monthly basis in Monthly plans.  Advance payment in Yearly and half-yearly plans. For the Half Yearly payment option 15 days free and for the Annual payment option 30 days free discount is included in the service charges.
  • Unutilized free benefits will be forfeited at the end of the month.
  • GST will be charged extra as applicable.
  • Please, refer to Other Charges for the installation, activation & other charges.

Fiber Voice Plan

Plan NameFiber_Voice_300_Plan *
Monthly Service Charges Rs 300/-
Monthly Free Data Usage (FUP) Limit 50 GB
Download/Upload Speed (up to) 10 Mbps till Free Data Usage (FUP) & 1 Mbps afterwards
Voice Calls
100 (Local + Unlimited STD on any Network)


  • * Migration from Landline to FTTH Voice : Old Number will be retained | No Registration, Activation & Installation Charges | No one time ONT upfront charges.
  • Customer has to purchase telephone instrument.
  • No ONT Monthly Rental & One Time Upfront charge in case of ONT purchased by the customer. Whereas ONT Monthly Rental & One Time Upfront charges are applicabale if ONT is provided by MTNL/RSP.
  • LF as per Rules. GST will be charged extra as applicable.
  • Please, refer to Other Charges for the installation, activation & other charges.
 Local Call Pulse Rate for FTTH Voice PlansSTD Call Pulse Rate for FTTH Voice Plans
MTNL Landline 180 Sec 90 Sec (MTNL Delhi)
MTNL Mobile 60 Sec --
To other landline opertaors 60 Sec 60 Sec
To Other Mobile Operators / WLL 60 Sec 60 Sec

Fiber Other Charges

Other Charges for High-Speed Fiber Plans

SlParticularsType of ChargesService Charges
(One Time / Monthly)
1 FTTH Activation, Installation & Registration Charges -- 500/- One Time
2 ONT upfront Charges
(Any One)
FTTH WiFi ONT upfront charges 1,500/- One Time
FTTH Wired ONT upfront charges 1,000/- One Time
3 Monthly ONT Rental Charges -- 70/- Monthly
4a Additional wireless CPE charges for enhancing coverage (optional) optional 1,000/- One Time
4b Rental for Additional Wireless CPE charges for enhancing coverage  optional 100/- Monthly
5 Refundable Security Deposit -- Nil --
6 Refundable Security Deposit for ISD Facility optional 3,000/- One Time
7 Telephone Instrument MTNL Provided 500/- One Time
If customer-owned Instrument Nil One Time

Replacement Charges

SlParticularsService Charges
1 FTTH Wired ONT upfront charges against the replacement of faulty MTNL ONT of an existing customer.
2 FTTH WiFi ONT upfront charges against the replacement of faulty MTNL ONT of an existing customer. 1,000/-

Note: Customers can purchase their own ONT from Authorized Vendors OR From FTTH Revenue Share Partners (as per List)

Click Here for Compatible ONTs in MTNL N/w

Broadband Plans

Broadband Monthly Plans


Broadband Plans (ADSL/VDSL) Book Online

Monthly ChargesPre FUP Download Speed (upto) / Plan Name / Free Usage Limit (FUP) /
Free Voice Benefits (Only for Combo Plans) / Post FUP Download Speed (upto)
6 Mbps
8 Mbps
10 Mbps
12 Mbps
14 Mbps
16 Mbps
50 Mbps
Rs 600 BB-600-6M
160 GB
140 GB
130 GB
110 GB
-- BB-600-50M
600 GB
150 Calls Free/ 1 Mbps after FUP -- 150 Calls Free/ 2 Mbps after FUP
Rs 800 BB-800-6M
290 GB
240 GB
190 GB
170 GB
-- BB-800-50M
1,000 GB
200 Calls Free/ 1 Mbps after FUP -- 200 Calls Free/ 2 Mbps after FUP
Rs 1,000 BB-1000-6M
460 GB
380 GB
310 GB
280 GB
260 GB
240 GB
1,500 GB
300 Calls Free/ 1 Mbps after FUP 300 Calls Free/ 2 Mbps after FUP
Rs 1,200 BB-1200-6M
610 GB
500 GB
430 GB
380 GB
360 GB
340 GB
2,000 GB
500 Calls Free/ 1 Mbps after FUP 500 Calls Free/ 2 Mbps after FUP
Rs 1,500 BB-1500-6M
900 GB
770 GB
700 GB
630 GB
600 GB
580 GB
2,800 GB
300 calls Free & Unlimited on MTNL Network (Mum+Delhi) / 1.5 Mbps after FUP 500 Calls Free/ 2 Mbps after FUP
Rs 2,000*
1,350 GB
1,250 GB
1,190 GB
1,110 GB
1,050 GB
1,000 GB
4,000 GB
Unlimited on All Networks + STD / 2 Mbps after FUP

 * Available only in Combo Plan.

Broadband Other Charges

Broadband New Booking Charges

Existing MTNL
Landline Customers
New Customers
without Landline
Registration and Activation charges (with telephone bill)  ADSL Rs 300/- Rs 300/-
VDSL Rs 500/- Rs 1,000/-
Initial Upfront Charges For WiFi CPE ADSL Rs 600/- Rs 600/-
VDSL Rs 1,600/-* Rs 1,600/-*
Security Deposit for Landline (Refundable) 
to be collected in a bill in equal installments
ADSL / VDSL N/A Local or STD: Rs.1000/- (in 2 installments)
ISD facility: Rs.3000/- (in 6 installments)
For Only Incoming Plan-199:- Rs. 500/-
Activation Charges (at the time of booking) ADSL N/A Rs 600/-
Monthly CPE Service Charges ADSL / VDSL Rs 70/- Rs 70/-

Broadband (ADSL/VDSL) Modem/Router/CPE Charges (optional)

CPE Upfront ChargesCPE TypeBroadband Service Type
CPE Upfront Charges Normal Rs 300/- Rs. 1,000/-
Wireless Rs 600/- --
Against the replacement of faulty MTNL CPE of an existing customer.
Normal Rs 400/-  Rs 800/-
Wireless Rs 400/- Rs 1,000/-
Old & Repaired CPE Normal / Wireless Rs 100/- --


Data Top-Up

Data Top-Up for Broadband (ADSL/VDSL) and Fiber Plans

Now customers can enjoy FUP-based Unlimited Broadband (ADSL/VDSL) and Fiber plans with uninterrupted regular download speed by opting for Monthly Data Top-Ups post-FUP usage.

 Data Top-Up
(Excluding GST)
8 GB Rs 49/-
20 GB Rs 99/-
35 GB Rs 149/-
60 GB Rs 249/-
85 GB Rs 349/-
140 GB Rs 549/-
200 GB Rs 749/-
270 GB Rs 999/-
410 GB Rs 1,499/-
550 GB Rs 1,999/-
900 GB Rs 2,999/-
2,000 GB Rs 4,999 


  • Data Top-Up will be available to all Broadband (ADSL/VDSL) and Fiber Fair Usage Unlimited Plan Customers.
  • Data Top-Up will be valid for the particular calendar month and will be charged in the next billing cycle.
  • Customers are allowed to book any data top-up irrespective of their broadband plan FUP limit.
  • Customers may request Data Top-Up Online or by calling at 1500 or apply to the nearest CSC.

Add-On Services

Additional Upload Service

 For each Additional Upload Speed ofMonthly ChargesAvailability on Network
256 Kbps Rs 50/- ADSL only
1 Mbps* Rs 150/- VDSL & FTTH only
5 Mbps* Rs 300/-
10 Mbps* Rs 500/-
20 Mbps* Rs 750/- FTTH only

* Please note, the availability of Upload Speed above 1 Mbps is subject to feasibility & CPE compatibility.

Static IP Service

ParticularsMonthly ChargesAnnual Charges
Static IP Rs 200/- per IP Rs 2,000/- per IP 
 Static IP Pool of 4, 8, 16 IPs + 1 WAN IP

For More Details click here

Safe Custody Service

Service TypeService Charges
ADSL/VDSL Rs 100/- per month
FTTH Rs 1,000/- per month (or 50% of Monthly Service Charges, whichever is less)



Shifting Service

ParticularsService Charges
Shifting Charges Rs 300/-



Terms & Condition

For Copper & Fiber Broadband Plans:
  • Payment Options: Discount allowed in monthly service charges;
    • For Half Yearly Payment Mode: 15 Days
    • For Annual Payment Mode: 30 Days
  • Fair Usage Limit: The FUP limit in all FUP-based unlimited plans is applicable for one calendar month. Fresh FUP limit as per the selected plan is made available to the customer from the 1st of every month. An existing customer migrating to the FUP plan or a customer booking new broadband in the middle of the month will get a Fair Usage Policy on a proportionate basis for the remaining days of the month.
  • Customers may use Data Top-Up to get pre-FUP speed after exhausting the FUP Limit on all FUP-based unlimited broadband plans.
  • The Data usage wherever mentioned includes downloads and uploads.
  • Unlimited free voice benefits cannot be used for outgoing calls to Premium Numbers, IN Numbers, and Other chargeable shortcodes (level 1, etc.). These calls will be charged as per prevailing tariffs.
  • Connection Feasibility & Speed: The speed mentioned is subject to technical feasibility. Speed indicated is only up to the MTNL ISP node and is given on a best-effort basis as per TRAI guidelines.
  • MTNL CPE: Equipment like Telephone Instrument, Broad Band Modems /CPEs (Customer Premises Equipment), ONU(Optical Network Units), and NT1(for ISDN lines), if provided at Customers' premises by MTNL, are the sole property of MTNL, Mumbai.MTNL-supplied Broadband CPE (Modem/Router) belongs to MTNL and in the event of non-return of equipment customers will have to pay applicable charges.
  • Usage Alerts: MTNL provides usage alerts via SMS to our customers when they reach 80% and then 100% of their FUP Limit. Customer can update their Mobile No and Email-ID by registering at
For Copper Broadband Plans only:
  • Combo Plans for ADSL Broadband :
    •  From Land Line (for voice)Night Hours Pulse Rate (11 pm to 7 am)Day Hours Pulse Rate (7 am to 11 pm)
      MTNL Mumbai to MTNL Mumbai / Delhi Dolphin Mobile 0 Sec 60 Sec
      MTNL Mumbai Landline 0 Sec 180 Sec
      MTNL Delhi Landline 0 Sec 90 Sec
      To Private Mobile & Landline Operators in Mumbai 0 Sec 60 Sec
      All STD 180 Sec 60 Sec
    • Rent-free Landline will be provided and free voice benefits will be given as shown above.
    • Outgoing calls will be charged at Re.1 per pulse (as per the Landline 250 plan).
    • Customers may also use Landline Add-on Packs for making landline calls.
  • Truly Unlimited Plans: No fair usage policy is applicable for Truly Unlimited Plans. However, MTNL reserves the right to discontinue the benefits if the plan is used beyond the prescribed TRAI Guidelines for any commercial/telemarketing activities. This will also be applicable to customers using FUP-based unlimited plans.
  • Standalone Broadband: 4Mbps & above plans can be taken as a Standalone Broadband category without a landline connection. 

  • Goods & Service Tax (GST) will be charged extra as applicable.