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How to get

The procedure for allotment of STD/ISD/Local PCOs is as follows:

  •  STD/ISD and Local PCO forms are free of charge. PCO applications are to be submitted at CSCs.
  •  For local PCOs Security Deposit has been reduced to Rs.500/- w.e.f. 01.09.2006. So, now PCOs are to be provided after taking an individual Security Deposit of Rs. 500/- in case of Local PCOs & Rs. 2000/- for STD/ISD PCOs by Demand Draft or cash. PCOs will be approved on the spot by the CSC and issue Demand Note/Work orders across the counter.
  • PCO Booth arrangements are to be made by the PCO holder.
  •  In case of STD/ISD or Local PCO, the applicant should submit following documents along with the application.

              (The Applicant will submit self-attested Photocopy of the documents along with originals, for                                        on the Spot verification & return)

     (a)  Proof of Identity & Age-Any one of the following documents 

  1. Voter's Photo Identity Card.
  2. Driving Licence
  3. PAN Card issued by Income Tax authorities.
  4. Pass Port
  5. Ration Card

       (b) Attestation of signature of the applicant by his/her Banker (original only).

  • The security deposit to be reviewed and raised by AO(TR) depending on the billing pattern as per the practice.
  • No need to execute any PCO agreement with the franchisee.However the applicant should give an undertaking in the enclosed proforma. No stamp paper is required for the undertaking.
  •  QCSC counter clerk will verify the documents with originals and certify the verification on Photocopies under his/her Signature, Name ,Staff No. and Designation. Once the documents are verified Counter-Person will take the required deposit in Cash or by Draft & issue work order. The payments recieved will be sent to AO (Cash) daily. In case documents are not complete, the counter person will politely inform about the necessary documents required for the application.
  •  There is no limit on maximum number of PCOs at a place. Any number of PCOs can be provided at one place. However in case of bulk booking of 10 or more PCOs, Area GMs and Vigilance Units are to be intimated as per DOT instructions.
  •  Additional PCO on request will be provided through similar procedure mentioned above by taking a deposit of Rs. 2000/- per additional STD PCO and Rs. 500/- for Local PCO. The revenue of existing STD/Local PCO need not be taken into account for additional PCOs.
  • On issue of work order , SDE External of the area will visit the premises & confirm accessibility of the premises to the public, availability of prescribed TEC approved Charging Device for STD PCO and CCB PCO instrument for Local PCO will be put through after completion of these formalities.


All India CCB PCO's

Sl.No. Particulars Charges
1. Local landline calls,calls to MTNL local Garuda and Dolphin & MTNL,Delhi landline/Garuda 60 sec(w.e.f 01/03/12)
2. Local other Mobile calls 60 sec(w.e.f 01/03/12)
3. Intra circle  
  < 50 km 60 sec
  50-100 km * 60 sec
  100 km * 60 sec
4. Inter Circle * 60 sec
5. ISD Not Allowed
6. Accessibility Both intra circle & inter circle calls and Maharashtra mobile calls accessible only on Level-0.
Adjoining area (<50 km)and calls to MTNL Delhi accessible on Level-95
7. Rate/Pulse Re 1(inclusive of service Tax)
8. Security deposit Rs. 1000/-
9. Charging on Local charging
10. Type of CPE CCB/external disconnector
11. Billing Cycle Fortnightly
12. Minimum Guarantee Rs. 150/fortnight (w.e.f.01/06/10)
13. Commissionion on
  • Upto 4000 calls/month : 35%
  • >4000 calls/month : 45% (only for calls above 4000)
Commission payable after adjusting service Tax.
14. Modification in CCB Local PCO`s migrating to this plan will require modification
in CCB instrument/external call disconnector
15. OCB,EWSD,5ESS New exchange category can be created
16. Fetex-150 New category cannot be created. For local PCO`s migrating
to this plan number change will be involved


Tariff for STD/ISD PCO


Sl.No. Particulars Charges
1. Security Deposit Rs.2000/-(Initially to be raised to one month bill amount)
2. Minimum Guarantee Rs.250/- per month (w.e.f.01/06/10)
3. Pulse duration New Delhi calls permitted as local call.
Varying duration upon station dialled for rest of India/World.
4. Rate per pulse Rs.1.20/pulse (per 60 secs.)
5. Terminal Instrument Call Logger
6. Commission Upto 5000 calls - 30%
Beyond 5000 calls - 40%
(Commission is on monthly call basis for both)


Tariff for Local PCO


Sl.No. Particulars Charges
1. Security Deposit Rs.500/-
2. Minimum Guarantee Rs.150/- per month (w.e.f.01/06/10)
3. Pulse duration 60 secs. (w.e.f. 01/03/2012)
4. Rate per pulse Re.1.00/-
5. Commission per call Upto 3000 calls - 40%
Beyond 3000 calls - 50%


Tariff for Handicapped PCO

Sl.No. Particulars Charges
1. Security Deposit Nil
2. Minimum Guarantee Rs.100/- per month
3. Pulse duration 60 secs. (w.e.f. 01/03/2010)
4. Rate per pulse Re.1.00/-
5. Commission per call 50% flat (commission paid on
monthly call basis)



Get Additional PCO

PCO holder

  •  PCO holder need not pay installation charge and security deposit.
  •  There will not be any minimum guarantee to be collected from this additional PCO.
  • This PCO will be either Local, HPCO, All India CCB PCO or STD/ISD PCO and will be linked to the existing PCO.
  •  This facility will be extended to the PCO holders who opts this and there should not be any outstanding arrears against such PCO holders.
  •  This additional PCO will be linked to the main PCO and will work as long as the main PCO works and will be disconnected as and when the main PCO is surrendered or recovered.
  • There is no change in the commission structure and billing period.
  • This facility will not be applicable for the PCOs where there is an outstanding.

Handicapped PCO

  • The Commission for local Handicapped PCOs is effective from 01.09.2007
  •  Relaxation to additional number of PCOs to the same handicapped PCO holder.
  •  The revenue / call limit of the existing PCO need not be taken into account for provision of additional PCO ( as in case of other local PCO holder) without security deposit.
  •  Faulty instrument has to be replaced free of cost for HPCO.
  •  This is effective from 10.06.2005.


Commision Structure

STD/ISD PCO holder

Sl.No. Name of the Product Particulars
1. MTNL Phone card(VCC) 7.2% on bulk purchase of Rs.5000/- and above
2. Recharge coupons 5.2% on bulk purchase of Rs.5000/- and above.

Local PCO holder

  • The Commission to handicapped PCO holders will be 40 Paise.
  •  The call charges will be retained at Re. 1/- only ( for Mumbai MTNL Unit).
  •  PCO Board is to be displayed.