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MTNL, Mumbai will be discontinuing it's VCC Services w.e.f. 1st October 2022. Customers having VCC card can visit nearest MTNL, Mumbai customer service center to get refund of the balance amount.

MTNL, Mumbai introducing 3G Prepaid Voucher STV 485 for 90 days validity with free 3G data of 1.5GB/day, Unlimited Voice Calling, & 100 SMS/day.

Click here to know more like such 3G Vouchers

Golden Opportunity to partner with MTNL, Mumbai for the exciting FTTH Revenue Share Model and create lucrative business prospects.

MTNL Direct Selling Agent ( DSA) Registration Link

Click here for more information

Introducing Nishtha Plans to the existing Landline Customers of MTNL, Mumbai with Virtual Landline by opting forwarded number of own choice.

Click here for more details

Customer Appeal Services by MTNL, Mumbai - Dial 1130(IVRS) to register your appeal on non-redressal of complaint.

Click here for more details

Lease / Saleof Spaces

Prime Spaces on Lease/Sale

Prime spaces in MTNL buildings, premises at strategic locations across Mumbai & New Delhi are available for Lease or Sale.

For more details click here

Current Tenders

Click here for more details

Walk-in for Empanelment 


EPBAX Vendors

  • MTNL, Mumbai invite interested EPABX Vendors to empanel on a walk-in basis, to generate business on mutual interest under Free EPABX Scheme to MTNL customers.

    Click here for the 'Free EPABX Scheme' EOI Document.

  • The first right of refusal will be taken care of while awarding the work in the EPBAX's scope, who brings business.



System Integrators

  • MTNL, Mumbai invites System Integrators (SI) to empanel on Walk-in basis, to generate business on mutual interest.

  • First right of refusal will be taken care of while awarding the work in System Integrators's scope, who bring business.

          Terms and conditions


For more details, please contact : 

DGM (EBG2), 5th floor. Telephone House, MTNL Marg, Prabhadevi, Mumbai -400 028.

Phone : 022-24336365.

Email ID : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

TLS 1.2 updation


What’s happening?

Transport Layer Security (TLS) is a protocol that ensures privacy between communicating applications and their users on the Internet. When a server and client communicate, TLS ensures that no third-party may eavesdrop or tamper with any message. TLS is the successor to the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).

BillDesk will disable support for TLS 1.0. After this change, any application/ browser than uses TLS 1.0 WILL NOT be able to establish a successful connection to the BillDesk platform. For the best security, BillDesk recommends upgrading to TLS 1.2 as soon as possible for your organization.

Why this change?


This change is mandated by the PCI Security Council and affects all merchants and service providers processing or transmitting card data. This is not an action BillDesk is taking alone. EVERY website that transmits or processes card data has to make this change. This change has to be done by June 30, 2018.

When is this planned?

From June 22, 2018 05:00 AM IST onwards BillDesk will no longer accept TLS 1.0 connections.

What all could be impacted?

Basically, there are two methods by which connections are established with the BillDesk platform:

  1. 1.Browser redirection to a BillDesk URL– this is handled by the end consumer’s browser and to the extent if the browser version is the latest one, there is no reason to worry since latest browser versions support TLS 1.1 / TLS 1.2. However, if the end consumer is using an old browser version that does not support the latest TLS version then such customers WILL not be able to access the BillDesk URL. The only solution for the customer would be to upgrade to the latest browser version. You may want to let your customer support team know about this so that they can guide customers who either call/ email your help desk.
  2. 2.You’re connecting to a BillDesk URL on a direct server to server basis through API calls– here you need to make sure your applications are able to establish connections with the BillDesk URLs using TLS 1.1 / TLS 1.2.

What’s the action item?

Depending on your tech stack you should check the version that you’re using and the relevant support for the latest TLS version is already available or not – in the event you need to perform certain upgrades to ensure that your application can support the relevant TLS version you need to act immediately so that you’re ready.

BillDesk production end point URLs ALREADY support TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2 which means you can immediately request your application/ technology teams to check and ensure that your applications are connecting to BillDesk using either TLS 1.1 or TLS 1.2. You need NOT wait until BillDesk completes the activity as per the planned date. You should be ready much BEFORE that to ensure no impact to your integrations.

MTNL Retired Employees CGHS/CGHIS Medical Facility Information/Notice

Escalation Matrix in respect of Medsave TPA for CGHIS 2019-20. (Retired Employee Policy)

Click here for details

The last date for submission of the CGHIS enrollment form by MTNL Retiree is 31.10.2019. No form will be accepted thereafter.

Click here for details

Extension of date up to 31.12.2019 for Enrollment in CGHS and to get the benefit up to 50%* CGHS contribution by MTNL Retiree.

Click here for details

Submission of CGHIS enrollment form by Retiree for policy period 01.10.2019 to 30.09.2020.

Click here for details


MTNL Broadband Plans